(503) 256-1601 info@ocanow.com

OCA Convention April 25-27

We look forward to seeing our members and the chiropractic community in April!

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It is the OCA’s mission to promote chiropractic as a safe and effective discipline and to defend the practice rights of chiropractic physicians.

The OCA is committed to supporting our members with professional education, clinical and business expertise and building a strong chiropractic community to best serve the people of Oregon.

We affirm the essential right of each patient to unrestricted access to chiropractic care to enhance the body’s natural healing ability.


The vision of the OCA is to provide an inclusive platform for Oregon DCs that promotes unity without uniformity within our profession. We believe that only by emphasizing and honoring our shared goals and values may we come together with the voice of a powerfully aligned profession around interests that we hold in common. When our profession speaks in a strong, unified and clear voice, we can most effectively educate the public, business, and regulators to the critical role of chiropractic to the health of Oregonians.


The OCA embraces chiropractic as a unique healthcare discipline that focuses on the restoration of health by promoting the innate recuperative and restorative powers of the human body, without the use of unnecessary drugs or surgery.

The OCA is committed to maintaining chiropractic’s unique identity as a neurology-based healing art developed from a vitalistic, philosophical foundation.

News & Events

Senate Bill 1547

Dear colleagues, We wanted to give you an update after speaking the other day with Jim Chesnutt, MD up at OHSU who is in charge of developing the online concussion return to play online certification course as direct by the Oregon Chiropractic...

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